Hello! I can't figure out how to temporarily disable automatic distribution of an ecosystem.
Whenever I modify the Domain surface the ecosystem gets redistributed automatically (and rightfully so) but it slows down my work a lot as I need to wait after each edit. Is there a manual update mode?
I can remove domains for the time of editing and reassign them later, but it's not an optimal workflow.
Is there a way to disable automatic distribution?
Hi @DOMimages
No there is no option to turn off automatic update. You don't have to wait. If domain has changed couple of times during your editing RN will abort calculation and begin new one with most recent state. However if you have to wait for RN theres something wrong with your ecosystem setup I mean it is far from being optimized. Would you mind sending this file at support@rhinonature.com ?
Thanks for a swift response! I sent a mail. In a bigger project the distribution time is around half a second after each edit, during which Rhino is somewhat prone to crash. I would greatly appreciate a way stop automatic updates (one ecosystem or all) and only do them after I have modified all my terrain. Or eventually a way to temporarily turn RN off both in display and updates.
- Edited
DOMimages I sent a mail.
Received, diagnosed, and replied
DOMimages Rhino is somewhat prone to crash
This shouldn't happen at all. I highly encourage everyone to send Rhino Crash Report to McNeel typing in RhinoNature in the description field. This way I will be able to gather all data about a particular situation, recreate it, and fix it of course.
DOMimages turn RN off both in display and updates
Seems like a feature request though bit against RN primary feature I'm taking it into consideration.
@DOMimages added in the latest release. However, bear in mind that reenabling updates may also take a while as RN has to rebuild all entities and display caches.